Natural Therapies
Courses include: Aromatherapy; nutritional medicine; naturopathy; herbal medicine; massage; reflexology; kinesiology; stress management and spa therapies
Sarah Watson
Studying yoga at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies
Studying yoga at Wellpark College has been a transformative experience. The calibre, depth and enthusiasm of teaching has been exceptional, enabling me to grow in my understanding of the practice and philosophy of yoga. I particularly appreciate the method of giving students the necessary learning tools whilst also allowing room for personal exploration and development and my self-confidence as a yoga teacher has grown.
Bettina Buch
Studying nutrition at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies
I’m a trained cyto technologist (I work with cancer diagnostic) and I came to Wellpark to gain knowledge and skills in treating predominantly cancer patients through natural therapies and nutrition. Studying part time, I qualified in naturopathy, nutrition and herbal medicine and now have my own practice. I also consult to corporate companies, creating health assessments for their employees. I loved the atmosphere of Wellpark and enjoyed learning from the other students from the various faculties, which has enhanced the way I treat my clients.
Amyria Taylor
Studying naturopathy at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies
Studying at Wellpark College has been a fulfilling journey on so many levels both professional and personal. My studies at Wellpark have encouraged me to approach health from a variety of angles; physical, emotional and spiritual. As I leave Wellpark I take with me the community of friends and colleagues that will continue to support me in my professional life. However, most importantly, the study of naturopathy has taught me a lot about my own health. I now have the knowledge to understand my own body better and the wisdom to respond with love and acceptance.
Andie Bennett
Studying massage at Wellpark College of Natural Therapies
Just to let you know your instincts were right about me coming to Wellpark College so late in my life. I have my own private clinic; a clinic in a chiropractors office and I contract out to do corporate massage … I love the Certificate in Relaxation Massage courses I am doing. Thank you so much for accepting my enrolment.
Akiko Yagi
Akiko is studying the Diploma of Remedial Massage in Melbourne
I came to Melbourne in 2008 on a working holiday visa. After one year, I wanted to learn something useful in English and found massage therapy interesting. Since I had been suffering from stiff shoulders for many years, I thought it would be great if I study about the body mechanism and how to maintain my body healthy.