Lyn | Study Options Colleges


Educator who studied at the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy

Lyn graduated in 2000 and had a busy practice from the get-go.

“I realised I was only seeing a certain type of person and I wanted to get the message out about homeopathy because the reason I chose to study was homeopathy worked so well for my children and family.”

“Naturopharm asked if I’d consider being a rep for them. I love what I do because I get paid for talking about something I’m passionate about. And it works and its effective and its available to everyone. I still talk about the principles such as the law of minimum dose, so I’m training at every opportunity and people don’t even realise they’re getting a training session when I turn up, but they do.”

“I work at health shops and every single pharmacy. My belief is if they start with something simple like Arnica then when it works so well they are going to look at other remedies and when they have a chronic problem then they are going to see a professional and that’s what I believe happens. One thing I did notice while I was in practice was actually giving as much nutrition advice as possible made a difference.”

 “I’ve loved every minute of homeopathy. You can just get those cases where you think they are miracles.” 

“I use all the knowledge all the time that I learned at the college. There wouldn’t be a day go by that I wouldn’t be talking about homeopathy. I remember so many of my wonderful teachers and the classes and discussions. So my career is based on going in to pharmacies / health stores and educating. I often do huge trainings, sometimes before a place opens, before their work starts. I do ask how much knowledge they have and work to their level. About 90% of the time I have a good response to the training. I’ve even had pharmacists come out and thank me for the training especially if they’ve done a lot of questioning to see how much knowledge I’ve got.”

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