Happy New Year! | Study Options Colleges

Happy New Year!

Is 2014 the year you plan to make a new start, travel more or specialise in your career?  Yes?... Maybe?...  Then a college course in Australia or New Zealand could be just what you are looking for!  Read case studies from our students to find out how vocational study could help you.

Study Options is a free, expert, independent service for anyone looking to study in Australia or New Zealand.  We are the official representative of Australian and New Zealand colleges in the UK and Ireland, and are here to make sure that the process of applying to study Down Under is as easy and stress-free as possible for you. Hundreds of students apply to study in Australia and New Zealand through Study Options every year.

This website is packed with information that you might need when considering whether to study at college abroad, so we recommend having a good look around, particularly the Study Information and Practicalities sections.  You can also read through profiles of all the different colleges that we work with in the Where Can You Study? section.  If you still have questions or would like to receive course lists and more information about studying in Australia or New Zealand, then please get in touch and we will be happy to help.

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